Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors

Our anonymised longitudinal data are now available for interested researchers!

Take a look at our instruments and questionnaires.

Discover some study results in our newsletter:

French                                           German


 Additionnal results are available in the results section of the website.

Participation rates

Thanks to the participation of more than 6'000 young men in Switzerland, participation rates to the study have met our expectations so far:

Cohort Study

C-SURF is a cohort study directed by the Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) in Lausanne and the University of Zurich. It started in 2010 and is still running today, thanks to the financial support of the Swiss National Research Foundation.

   A cohort study seeks to follow the progression of a group's behaviour by involving members recurrently in the long run.

What is it about and who participates?

All young men at the army recruitment centers in Lausanne (VD), Windisch (AG) and Mels (SG), Switzerland, were invited to participate in this cohort study. It is about:

  • their socioprofessional and family background
  • their lifestyle and personality
  • their consumption of tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and other drugs
  • their gambling and gaming activities and use of internet
  • their sexuality
  • their physical and mental health
  • and their knowledge about other health-related aspects

Further information

Further information can be found here on:

This website is available in French, German and English.


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